V85NPV : 8 months activity summarize

It is time to summarize my activity since using V85NPV Call sign with the following QSO map :

-About 4069 QSO (Contact with other amateur radio worldwide) using V85NPV and about 2500+ QSO using the V85/F5NPV call sign (roughly about 6500+ QSO overall)

-90% using CW (Morse code), 9% using digital modes and only 1% using SSB (voice)

-80% of the QSO were performed with 100% homemade equipment

-Favorite bands 30m,20m,17m and 15m

– i have received about 22 SWL reports

-The most important and since all QSO are confirmed with an automatic email sending a nice QSL card design by Vincent F4CVQ ,i have received about 1000++ Emails on return with very kind words , nice information from the other Amateur Radio simply exchanging some additional technical information and more details regarding the people i have contacted taking the oportunity for some very kind friendship and contacts worldwide.

Amateur Radio hobby is not only simply contacting people using radio but mostly providing the opportunity to echange kind words with other people.

We have no borders!

My favorite TRX is a SDR Transceiver based on YE3CIF and UT3MK design. The transceiver is providing about 10w (10m band) up to 25w for other bands. Since i am not really a QRP guy, i am using mostly a tiny tube amplifier pushing 90w up to 120w. This amplifier is using a 6P45S / 6П45С tube. My other favorite Transceiver is a Hermes Lite 2 and a Hermes V3 which are also a SDR.

At the early stage i was using a EFHW antenna but was not really satisfied about this antenna and for many months now i am using a Long Wire antenna 30m long , inverted L configuration with a 1:9 transformer (T240:61 core but a T200-2 is working also very well). The antenna is tuned with a N7DDC ATU from a Kit to build i purchase from Ukraine. I am using the coaxial shield as a counterpoise with a CMC installed at about 6 meters from the transformer. The antenna is installed at about 13m above the ground.

Compare to the EFHW , the Long Wire is performing better since the 1:9 transformer is really more efficient compare to a 1:49 one.

i have also a Vertical Multiband antenna but it is mostly for backup since the Long Wire antenna is performing well.

I am not in expedition mode , DXCC means really nothing to me and mostly interested to technology and equipment performance. i am a long distance QSO hunter. I am a very casual operator , not using split a lot since i am not in Expedition mode and always ready for ragchewing. My average CW speed is from 23 up to 25WPM never above.

Do not expect a simple 599TU and always providing the real signal report and be polite , providing my name , working condition , WX and many more is the way to go.

For the past few months i have realized a lot of young operators have contacted me . Do not worry , during CW activity i am never QRQ (high speed morse code) using decent speed to ensure even beginners will be able to contact and read me .

My website to figure out more in details about my hobby and the equipment i am using : https://f5npv.wordpress.com/

This is all about my activity and hope to catch you on the air very soon

Best 73s

Published by F5NPV

Amateur Radio and Radiocommunication engineer

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